
A scop is an old English word for a poet that shared poetry and stories. They traveled from place to place learning about the world as they go and sharing their knowledge as their wandered. This website is dedicated to my passion of myths, legends, history and stories around the world, and so a “wandering Scop” seems like a fitting title.

I will update this website ideally weekly with a new short story that I want to preserve for my own notekeeping and for whoever is interested in reading along.

About “me”

I am not particularly interesting, but I might as well share a bit about myself for whoever is interested into who this “Rich” person is. I’m a guy in my mid 20s who currently does software development, but in my free time I love to read all kinds of books, from fantasy to history to so-called “classic literature”, game a variety of games, visit stuffy museums and to (try) bake different kinds of cakes. I’d like to publish a book one day, but my writing isn’t very good yet, and I don’t do social media, so if you find a page claiming to be me, it probably isn’t.

Hello Shannon